Our Siamese and Orientals
Our cats live in the home and are treated as members of the family. Like children, they can talk all day and sometimes pout when not given their own way. Siamese are cats with coloured points and blue eyes, while Oriental Shorthairs, or Orientals, are esentially a Siamese with any other coat colour and have green eyes. They can be solid coloured, multi coloured or patterned. These cats love to give love and be loved.

Captain's Blog

1 August 2020
What a crazy year it's been. CatsWA shows were suspended from February 2020 because of the pandemic.
We've had some fun online shows, but now we're returning to REAL cat shows for the latter part of this year!
Juhraya Dax had another very successful show year in 2019, winning CatsWA's Best Group 2 Entire and taking out Best Entire Cat of the year! We are so proud of all our cats on the show bench, mainly for handling themselves well, while they are stretched, lifted, sometimes flung and sometimes flipped over on their backs. Can you imagine?
If you do decide to attend a show, please follow our strict health guidelines. Physical distancing is in place and we cannot stress how important it is not to touch our cats! just like spreading human viruses to other humans, it is so easy to spread cat viruses from one cat to another. You may notice some exhibitors wearing masks. We will also be spraying our show hall with an F10 disinfectant fogger. As per government guidelines, please do not attend if you feel remotely unwell, have a sore throat, temperature or cough. We are also taking temperatures of all attendees (contactless) so please be prepared for that prior to entering the show hall. As always, we do ask for a donation upon entry, as your donations support our cat clubs in holding future shows.
Juhraya Dax fathered a huge litter of one this July, with Zarabeth. "Cutie", Startrill Q T Dax, is a lilac tabby bicolour Oriental. We hope she has a future as a show cat. She has a love-heart <3 in lilac on her left side and we are so in love with her.
9 December 2018
We're very excited to partner with Purejoy Cats in Perth. One of the girls we bred a year ago, Startrill Frontier Lokai Dax, is five weeks into her pregnancy. Her babies will be under the Purejoy prefix. Purejoy Cats is just as pedantic about health as we are, with all the usual health protocols undertaken.
Lokai is a Black and White Bicolour Oriental Shorthair. Her babies were sired by Vulcan. This is his last litter, as he has now been neutered and is seeking his forever loving home.
Zarabeth's five babies are growing up well and are developing their own personalities. Kronos makes us smile, because he likes to imitate his mother which is so adorable.
All kittens know when it's breakfast and dinner. They run to the food and cry....as if they're going to starve! :)
We'll be updating news on Lokai's babies, who are due around the 8 January. As Always, we can't wait to see who is born!
10 November 2018
Where did 2018 go? we apologise for not being a regular blogger. However, we have lots to update you on :)
Yes, Zarabeth had her third litter of babies, again with sire Vulcan. Their due date was going to be the same as their litter together last year! year, on 28 September! She gave birth just after midnight, making their birth date 29 September. This litter is our "K" kitter, so babies have been given the following pedigree names:
* Kes Dax (Chocolate spotted tabby Oriental)
* Kira Dax (Tabby point Siamese, possibly Lilac)
* Kora Dax (Chocolate tabby point Siamese)
* Klingon Dax (Chocolate spotted tabby Oriental)
* Kronos Kirk Dax (Chocolate spotted tabby Oriental)
Sadly two babies didn't make it -
* Kelis Dax (passed after two days; most likely smothered according to necropsy)
* Kaldra Dax (still born)
For those of you interested, we have made a post farewelling these two baby girls on the Startrill Facebook page. Search for Kelis and/or Kaldra; posted on 28 October).
As Vulcan has been on a lease from his breeder, Gautama, he has been retired from showing and now breeding. Vulcan has just had his last romantic interlude and his last litter is due in the New Year.
He has been an amazing boy, and we can't thank Kim and Steve from Gautama enough for leasing us their lovely boy.
Spice has gone to a loving home, where she is so cherished and loved. We are so happy for her and her family.<3 <3 <3
Baby Juhraya Dax won the titles of Best Pedigree Kitten and Supreme Pedigree Exhibit twice over at the Perth Royal Show this year under both international judges. We are so proud of him and to be awarded Most Successful Exhibitor 2018. He is featured under the tab "Our Orientals". Thank you again to Kim and Steve from Gautama for allowing us to keep him entire for a limited time.
With the show season now over, we look forward to the Christmas holiday season and wish you and yours a wonderful, loving and safe time of year. We hope you all have a special someone to share this time with, especially if they have paws and a tail (ruff ruff....meow) !!
17 December 2017
Well another year has warp sped ahead. Zarabeth's and Vulcan's babies were bestowed the following names and are headed for their new homes in January:
* Et' Khior Dax (Chocolate Silver Spotted Tabby Oriental)
* Ek' Zeru Dax (Chocolate Golden Spotted Tabby Oriental) - our very first "golden"
* Essoq Dax (Blue Spotted Tabby Oriental)
* Elminiar Dax (Lilac spotted Tabby Oriental)
* Elaan Dax (Chocolate Silver Tabby Siamese)
* Enterprise Dax (Chocolate SIlver Tabby Siamese)
The two Siamese girls started out looking like Lilac Silver Tabby Siamese, but their colour has become evident in the past week.
We had Mr Spock's second litter born and his first with Spice, a lovely Cinnamon Oriental.
They had one Oriental Shorthair girl, one Siamese girl and four Siamese boys. Some of these Siamese are Bicolours just like their dad.
Show season starts again in February and we wish you all a lovely Christmas and New Year - "Happy Festivus"!
19 August 2017
Zarabeth (Sinopia Zarabeth Dax) and Vulcan (Gautama Riyaaz Vulcan) will be parents in approximately five weeks! This is Vulcan's first litter and Zarabeth's second. Zarabeth has been eating loads, although suffering morning sickness in the first three weeks of her pregnancy. She has been extra smoochy and wanting to be cuddled a lot more. She passed her affectionate behaviour to her first babies, who are now settled and well loved in their new homes.
This is our 'E' litter, so babies will have Star Trek names beginning with 'E'.
Colours and patterns in this litter can be varied and include:
* Siamese in chocolate, blue or lilac points
* Oriental Shorthair in the above colours who may be spotted, classic, mackeral or ticked.
We'll keep you posted first on our Facebook page. Please go to Startrill Siamese and Like and Follow our page. Thank you. LLAP.
7 April 2017
Mr Spock (Hareem Leonardo's Legacy) has sired his first babies! Six babies were born to Spock and Droxine on 21 March. Some of them will be Bicolour Siamese like Spock, and some will be pointed like their mother. They have all opened their eyes and can now see after two weeks. They can also hear now - who is that scary human? LOLOL
We look forward to seeing what colours they are. Three of them have lighter areas on their faces, indicating they could be bicolours.
Luca Dax (Scallywags Jean-Luc Dax) has been retired from showing. Luca has achieved the title of Diamond Grand Champion. We will continue to show our other cats including Mr Spock, who has nearly achieved the title of Champion.
The nights are cooler and the weather has been unpredictable. We barely had a Summer and now we're into Autumn. There has been the early use of heat pads for everybody.
19 February 2017
Zarabeth's six babies are already eight weeks old. She delivered eight but sadly, two did not survive past 24 hours (one was unable to be revived).
We have one chocolate point girl, one chocolate tabby point girl, two lilac tabby point boys and two Oriental Shorthair boys (colour to be confirmed). This is our "C" litter, so the babies will have the following Trek related names:
* Cardassia Dax * Centauri Dax * Chakotay Dax * Chekov Dax * Caleb Dax * Cerberus Dax
It's always exciting to see the babies develop their personalities and this litter is no different.
We also wait in anticipation of Mr Spock's first litter - most likely due around 23 March. Fingers crossed for a bicolour or two!
Show season is commencing shortly and we would love to see you at a cat show! Come and chat to us about all things cat! You can view lots of other breeds, not just Siamese and Oriental! The golden rule is no touching any cat, due to the possibility of transferring on any germs or viruses. This goes for adults as well as children. We have seen adults unable to restrain themselves - please adhere to show rules as the last thing we want is for our much loved cats to get sick. The other rule goes without saying - during judging, noise is to be kept to a minimum. Other than that - enjoy the shows :)
8 December 2016
Mr Spock is 7 months old today :) and weighs 4 kg. He will be a large adult when he is 12 months old! He may be able to perform his stud duties by January. He and Vulcan are becoming the best of friends.
Another show year is over and another litter was born on 22 September. This is our 'B' litter and the kittens have been named as follows:
* Braxton Dax * Bajor Dax * Balok Dax * Brahms Dax * Brandy Dax
All kittens will have wonderful homes to go to.
Meanwhile.... Zarabeth Dax is looking ready to deliver but she isn't due until 22 December. We hope she has a nice variety of both Siamese and Oriental babies. Please check our Startrill Siamese Facebook page for news of these babies. This will be our 'C' litter and first with Oriental babies.
Thank you to everyone who adopted our babies this year. We couldn't ask for any better homes for them to go to.
Stay safe over the holiday season.
Live Long & Prosper!
9 July 2016
The house feels rather empty without seven babies bouncing around and clambering over one another on the sofa. The adults know that they have gone. Luca has been looking a bit sad and
he behaves like he wants to know where they are. We have plans for you Luca!
Luca is going to be busy in a month as he prepares for fatherhood again,
this time with Droxine and Zarabeth.
We have heard from the families who have adopted the kittens from Lela's last litter
and they are doing well. Everyone has settled in nicely with their new families and
very affectionate to their humans. To see the kittens in their new homes, please have
a look at our Facebook page.
We have had several enquiries over the past few weeks for kittens, so if you are
keen and happy to wait, please email us with details as stated on our Kitten page.
It's a cold, cold day today and there are Shows coming up which we will attend. We only wish that
the Show halls we are in are warmer during the Perth Winter!
Stay warm.

11 June 2016
Time has flown and all babies have been reserved by their loving families. They will leave us for their new homes in the next week or two. We have named the babies after Star Trek names - of course!
This is Lela's 'A' Litter with Luca, so the babies have been given the following names:
* Archer Dax * Astral Dax * Alastria Dax * Alondria Dax * Aldea Dax * Ardana Dax * Antica Dax
You will be dearly missed,
even by the Barkers! RUFF!
LLAP little ones X
11 March 2016
We have been awaiting the arrival of Luca's first babies this week. Lela has been eating loads, sleeping lots and been very affectionate! Any time now!
Of course we are excited about what colours they will have together in this litter. It is possible for them to have all four main Siamese colours.
Thank you to those who that have expressed an interest in these babies. We will contact you when we are able to establish gender and colour. This may take a few weeks.
In the meantime we are wishing a little 'warp speed' for delivery - of course a safe and healthy event for mum and babies. Don't forget to check our Facebook page!
30 January 2016
The change in temperature today has been a refreshing relief for all our family members. Rain fell and was soaked by a parched garden, droplets on singed, crispy leaves and petals an interesting constrast.
We welcomed Zarabeth Dax a week ago, a lithe and elegant Oriental, who will add her beautiful and healthy genes to our breeding program. Show season starts next month so it will be a flurry of sewing new show curtains for the babies, getting them used to baths, nail clipping and the judging process.
We are new to Facebook, so thank you to everyone who has 'liked' us so far.
We appreciate your good taste! ;-D Your comments are hugely welcomed.
Photos will continue to be posted of our available babies, adults at home
and news of impending arrivals.
New toys are currently being sourced for our next adoptions. We like to add a good variety of toys, including interactive toys in our toy pack. We know this doesn't mean that you won't be buying stacks at your local pet store, but it helps when you bring your baby home.
8 January 2016
Well the Summer has just flown by! Our boys have been adopted by loving families. Startrill Nimoy Dax has been christened "Jacala" by his new family and Startrill Tiberius Kirk Dax has been christened "Mawson" by his. Mawson is such an appropriate name for Tiberius as he is a super-confident kitten, usually the first to explore new and exciting places in the house! Jacala's new family tells us that he has their dogs under control! :-)
It's been incredibly hot these past two weeks and reached 42.4 degrees in our area yesterday. Last week we lost Inca, our black Ameraucana chook. Poor girl was ok at 10:30 and by 4:30 she had expired, with her sisters around her looking perplexed. She has been buried under the Fuji apple tree....
Our thoughts are for the people in the Yarloop, Cookenup, Waroona and Harvey areas this week, as fire rages its heartbreaking devastation. There has been amazing community spirit behind those who have lost their homes and several people who are yet to be located. Collie Veterinary Services offered free accommodation for cats whose families were affected - you are amazing people!
As the New Year begins we are hopeful that 2016 will bring more contentment, joy, good health and lasting happiness to everyone....most of which can be obtained by hugging close your cat or dog.

Thank you!
12 November 2015
Our philosophy is that all cats and dogs are treated as well as human children, as they have the mental age of a 2 to 3 year old child. They should be loved unconditionally but also disciplined lovingly. Most of all they should be given a good life. Siamese and Orientals have a potential lifespan of 15+ years so great care and thought should be given to housing and caretaking during holidays away.
We do not believe that cats should be allowed to roam. If housed outside, a secure outdoor enclosure should be in place, together with items that ensure a happy existence like Cat Trees, Toys, Hammocks, fresh water and nutritious food. Did we mention Toys?!
Siamese and Oriental cats just LOVE company, so having more than one may make your life and their lives more enjoyable. Company may be canine as well!
This weekend in Perth is an extremely HOT one (38 degrees celcius), so Luca will most definitely live in the house and perhaps have a few hours sojourn under the patio on Sunday when it is a more pleasant 30 degrees.
Lela's kitten's are growing so quickly. They are now 6 weeks old. They should be ready for their new homes by mid January 2016 (12 to 14 weeks old). They are very nice type and will do well on the Show Bench. Any adopters who wish to show will be given full support. Shows are fun and very social. Meeting other breeders of Siamese, Orientals and other breeds will provide you with lots of insight into the cat world.